
Summer vacation. Mika is overjoyed to see Ostwind again. But then she discovers strange wounds on the belly of Ostwind, for which no one has an explanation. Yet this is Kaltenbach verge of bankruptcy! With a heavy heart Mika decides to participate in a variety tournament in which beckons a high prize money. But during training affects Ostwind distracted, often he runs away easily. Mika pursued the black stallion until deep into the forest and is quite surprised: From the thicket a seemingly magical gray mare appears and the two horses dance around lovingly. Suddenly, a strange boy named Milan appears, who says the mare had escaped him. He claimed that he could Help Mika to win the tournament. But is there still time to save Kaltenbach?


Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2Windstorm 2


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