
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

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Pragya sees Tannu and Nikhil in a room and questions them. Nikhil tries to make an excuse while, Tannu starts to blame Pragya for getting a sound scolding from Abhi. Tannu storms out of the room and warns Pragya against trying to create differences between her and Abhi. Pragya however, starts to doubt that Nikhil is the father of Tannu s child and decides to keep a watch on him. Meanwhile, Payal expresses her worry regarding her remuneration before Rony. The two of them come to the conclusion that only if Abhi and Pragya realize their love for each other, will the remuneration problem be sorted out. Payal speaks to Abhi about Pragya and the love he has hidden for her, but this only annoys Abhi. Meanwhile, Vijay and Raj get ready to execute their plan of killing Pragya. Will the duo be successful? Find out here.


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