
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

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Arjun and Purvi get Pragya to the hospital but they are both in a dilemma as the hospital refuses to start the treatment without the presence of a family member. Purvi insists on Arjun pretend to be the family member and sign the hospital documents. After a lot of argument, Arjun signs the papers but he is shocked when Purvi goes to the extent of calling him Pragya s husband. Later, the doctor begins the treatment as Abhi rushes towards the hospital. He reaches the hospital and is horrified to see the condition that Pragya is in. Meanwhile, Purab makes every possible efforts to win Bulbul over and makes use of gifts to impress her. How will Bulbul and Purab react when they learn of Pragya's accident? Keep watching to know more.Kumkum Bhagya is the story of a Punjabi matriarch Sarla Arora who runs a marriage hall and lives with the hope of seeing her two daughters Pragya and Bulbul who're poles apart, happily married some day! Known for making shows that are women-centric, the pivotal characters of this new show are a bunch of strong, feisty women, living together in an all-female, matriarchal family.


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