
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

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Bulbul is at her friend s place doing her makeup when Purab calls her up and asks her to return home soon and to be safe. While on the way, Bulbul finds Neel getting into his car. A furious Bulbul rams her car into Neel's car. Neel gets hurt and comes out of his car to check who had rammed into his car and what damage his car has received. When Neel was checking on his car, Bulbul again tries to ram into him but Neel moves away and hurts his head on a rock. Bulbul who missed ramming itno Neel, rams the car again and hurts herself. She is then admitted to the hospital. What will Purab's reaction be when he finds out that Bulbul has met with an accident?


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