
Real Gangsters!

Real Gangsters (2013)

Режисер: Frank D'Angelo

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рејтинг: 6.7/10


Real Gangsters tells the story of the Lo Giacamo family, one of the most successful crime syndicates in New York City. Run by cousins Vincent Lo Giacamo (Nick Mancuso) and Jack Lo Giacamo (Frank D'Angelo) Real Gangsters shows how these two men maintain control of their dangerous extended family and volatile business ventures by very different means. Vincent is the politician, the man who always has a plan to help keep the peace, find common ground, bind blood and commerce and grow the family into a billion dollar empire. Jack is the muscle, the hot head, ruthless and uncompromising he lives in the moment and executes his actions based on how he feels. Unfortunately for these two men, these two philosophies don't always work together. Jack enforces his code of duty and honor with a brutal finality that sometimes destroys Vincent's creative scheming. Jack also finds himself unexpectedly protecting the underdogs in his neighborhood that sometimes creates more trouble for him than it's ...


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