I'll Give My Life (1960)

Драма | САД
Режисер: William F. Claxton

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.7/10


This story opens with John Bradford throwing a graduation party for his son, Jim, who has just earned a degree in engineering. John has planned to make his son a partner in his engineering firm for many years. However, Jim has decided to enter the ministry. He is hesitant to tell his father because he knows his father will be upset. After he tells his father his intentions, his father does all that he can to try to dissuade him from going. But Jim does go away to seminary. Alice, who is John's secretary, has been dating Jim for years. She continues to write him while he attends four years of seminary. When he completes his classes he applies for foreign service and is assigned duty in New Guinea. He has a hard time telling Alice his plans because it would mean that she would have to go with him if they get married. Jim explains that while he was a soldier in WWII he realized that there were millions of impoverished people throughout the world that didn't know about Jesus Christ and he...


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