
X-Rated Girl

Il merlo maschio (1971)

Комедија | Италија
Режисер: Pasquale Festa Campanile

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.4/10
Оценка на корисникот: 7/10


Niccolò Vivaldi is a cello player and he plays in the Arena di Verona Orchestra. But he is not the first and neither the second cello. He is frustrated. Nobody can remember his face, nor his name. Niccolò is married to Costanza, who is really beautiful and he takes some pictures of her naked. Later he shows the pictures to a friend and so he feels better. He starts to write a comic opera called "Il merlo male" only to discover later he had written Rossini's "La gazza ladra". To maintain his self-esteem he can only show his wife.


X-Rated Girl


Прегледано од hymie
сабота, 17 септември 2022 03:09
This is one of those vaguely arty, Freudian-based Italian sex comedies that were popular in the early 70's. It's very similar to Lucio Fulci's "The Eroticist" and to the director Festa's earlier "The Libertine", but it's not as cleverly satirical as the former and doesn't quite have the effective story of the latter.

The film re-teams Lando Buzzanca and Laura Antonelli from "The Eroticist". Buzzanca plays a bass cellist who's frustrated by his own ignominy - no one seems to ever notice him... (Повеќе)
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