
My Husband's Deadly Past

My Husband's Deadly Past (2020)

Трилер | Канада
Режисер: Troy Scott

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.2/10


CPA Karen Croft, who works for a financially struggling marketing company owned by Doreen Wayne in Seattle, has just had a dream about a young woman in distress she doesn't know, that young woman about the same age as her daughter, Jordan Croft. On the day of an important presentation to a potential investor who would be the company's lifeline, Karen not only sees missing person posters of the young woman in her dream, she eighteen year old Gina Navarro, but is tortured by visions of Gina, who she begins to believe she may have killed, those thoughts from those visions. Karen's psychiatrist husband, Otto Croft, tries to help her understand those visions through hypnosis. From further evidence, Karen is eventually charged with Gina's murder, if convicted from what looks to be the conclusive evidence, Karen would serve twenty-five to life. Karen does whatever she can to clear her name in beginning to believe she innocent of the charge. When she finally discovers what is happening, from the nature of her dream and the visions of Gina to who actually killed her and why, Karen has to figure out a way to overcome the evidence against her while saving those that may be caught in the crossfire of the murderer's sights. In the process, she gets help from who was a good Samaritan she encountered, ER doctor Hugh Gossett.


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