That’s Life is a one hour dramedy series which chronicles the lives of friends and family in Italian-American, blue-collar suburban New Jersey. The talented and award-winning cast is headed by Tony Award-nominated Paul Sorvino (Goodfellas, Romeo and Juliet) as Frank DeLucca; Award-winning and Emmy Award-nominated Ellen Burstyn (Requiem for a Dream, The Exorcist) as Dolly De Lucca; and Heather Paige Kent (Jenny, Stark Raving Mad) as Lydia De Lucca. The series also features Debi Mazar (Goodfellas, Collateral), and Kevin Dillon (Entourage, The Doors).
Lydia De Lucca is a 32-year-old New Jersey bartender who wants to make something more of her life, so she ends her eight-year dead-end relationship and returns to Montclair State University to fulfil her dream of getting her college degree. She gets little encouragement from her hyper-critical parents and brother Paul, so she turns to best friends Jackie, who runs a beauty salon, and Candy, a loyal but self-absorbed former Miss New Jersey, for support. On campus, Lydia combats intimidating professors and the much younger, and hipper, students. It’s not an easy road, but this time Lydia is determined to succeed.