
Yago, Pure Passion

Yago, pasión morena (2001)

Dramë, Romancë | Argjentinë

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Yago is a 28 year old tough and rude young man raised in the jungle of north Argentina by his father who taught him how to survive in such a wild environment. Although he can read and write, Yago has given up on being educated. Morena is a Peruvian girl in her 20's who has studied in New York and is financially independent. Unfortunately, she's not so lucky in terms of love since she's always picked the wrong man. Morena travels as a tourist to the Iguaçu Falls in the middle of the jungle where she meets Yago. They have a love affair but their relationship doesn't work out because of their marked social and personal differences. She then flies to Buenos Aires to search for her grandfather and in the meantime she gets a job at company called Sireno. At the same time, Yago learns that the man who raised him is not his actual father and that his real family name is Sireno. He travels to Buenos Aires intending to trace back his real family only to find Morena once again. At the end Morena will help him get adapted to the city rules and new social behavior, and eventually they will fall helplessly in love.


Yago, Pure PassionYago, Pure PassionYago, Pure PassionYago, Pure PassionYago, Pure PassionYago, Pure PassionYago, Pure Passion


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