
Обрацун на Индијском океану

Il grande colpo di Surcouf (1966)

Акција, Авантура | Шпанија, Италија, Франција

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.9/10
Оценка на корисникот: 10/10


The privateer Robert Surcouf, commander of the "Revenant", swings towards Mahé, a British port in the Indian Ocean, which he intends to seize by surprise. He has the green light from the Emperor, who urges him to tease the English. Everything went as planned and Surcouf left Mahé a few hours later, taking precious loot on board. But retaliation is not long in coming - and it is terrible. Back in Saint-Malo, Surcouf learns that his brother Nicolas has been captured and taken away by the English. The privateer, furious, immediately sets course for the island of Mahé, with the firm intention of saving the unfortunate man, promised to the gallows. The game promises to be difficult.


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