
Remember Me, My Love

Ricordati di me (2003)

Драма, Комедија, Pоманса | Италија, Франција, Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Gabriele Muccino

рејтинг: 6.4/10
Оценка на корисникот: 7/10


In the dysfunctional Italian middle-class family Ristuccia, the middle-aged executive Carlo has a stalled life without passion, bored in his work and having a monotonous life with his wife Giulia. Giulia is a frustrated and hysterical woman because she gave up of being an actress in her youth to dedicate to the family. Their needy son Paolo feels lost and rejected, trying to find who he is and flirting with a schoolmate. Their seventeen years old daughter Valentina is decided to work in a television show, and is fighting to have an audition. When Carlo meets his former sweetheart Alessia in a class reunion, they confess to each other that their marriages are in crisis and both feel passion arising again. Meanwhile Giulia is invited to an audition in a stage production and to participate of a play. Paolo tries to make friends using marijuana in his birthday party, and Valentina has sex with different guys trying to be a dancer of the famous TV show 'Ali Babbi'. Their relationships ...


Прегледано од hymie
вторник, 9 март 2021 04:04
Among the many pleasures of watching Italian actress Laura Morante is a certain astringency that seizes her face in moments of stress — her mouth contracts into a sour pucker, her cheekbones harden into switchblades, and her eyes ping-pong from corner to corner. Such an instance of fierce defensiveness comes early in Remember Me, My Love, when Morante’s homemaker awaits a phone call that could free her from a bourgeois existence, or sentence her to an eternity with her unfaithful husband... (Повеќе)
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