рејтинг: 4.9/10


Having grown up an orphan and raised by her grandmother, Emma has worked for everything that she has, and takes pride in the simple life she's created for herself. She's always wanted a perfect marriage, but ended up with a track record of failed relationships. When she strikes up a romance with the wealthy Ted, a guy she grew up admiring from afar, and says yes to marrying him, she thinks she's finally found her soul mate and is immediately brought into a much more luxurious world than she's used to. That world also includes Ted's seductive twin brother Frank, whose affections for her go beyond family admiration. While Ted took his inheritance and launched a successful global technology business, Frank took the opposite approach and traveled the country, leaving a trail of run-ins with the law and one night stands. Now, back in town and living in his family's old home, Frank's long buried jealousy of everything his brother has, including Emma, comes to the surface. Suffering from black outs and manic episodes, related to a traumatizing accident, Frank quickly becomes a danger for anyone to be around. Soon, Emma realizes that coming between the twin brothers is more dangerous that she imagined as she discovers their darkest secrets.


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