
Mission unmöglich

Mission unmöglich (2012)

Режисер: Ulrich König

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.8/10


It is not the upcoming Christmas festival that puts Mayor Wöller in high spirits, but the hope of a hard-earned money blessing. Because he sold his rickety used cars to Nigeria. With a hefty profit - he thinks. But now Wöller finds out that he was caught by a shrewd fraudster: profit - zero, costs - many. And that's not the worst, as he reached into Kaltenthal's municipal coffers to pay various supposed fees and the shipping of the cars. Now Wöller has to go to Africa as quickly as possible to save what can be saved. The plans of his favorite enemy suit him very well. Because Sister Hanna also wants to go to Nigeria, albeit for unselfish reasons. She tries to help the desperate Kirsten Mabenga, whose husband, discouraged and without leaving an address, returned to his home country Nigeria after he couldn't find a job in Germany. Hanna hopes to find help from Sister Lotte, who is setting up a school in Nigeria. But Lotte is plagued by her own worries. Their mission is threatened with closure because the corrupt mayor Motavatu diverted the donated funds into his own pocket. Wöller is the specialist for such problems: he chases Motavatu's money back with his very own methods. But Wöller acts less out of Christian motivation. Will Hanna and Lotte manage to lead him back on the right path with their combined charm?


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