
The Hunter

Avcı (1998)

Режисер: Erden Kıral

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.1/10


Erden Kiral directed this Turkish-Hungarian drama. Is a popular legend and beginning with newlyweds and a wedding party crossing a swamp by canoe. As told by an elderly couple with different accounts, the tale punctuates fairy-tale-like atmospherics with explicit sex scenes. The old man tells the tale of Osman the Noble "Ahmet Ugurlu", who loves his attractive wife Zala "Jale Arikan" and travels with her back to her native town when shelter during a rainstorm brings them together with a young hunter "Fikret Kuskan". Zala and the hunter have a mutual attraction that turns to passion. Osman kills the hunter and loses Zala. In the old woman's version, the man the couple meets is a robber, who tricks Osman into a deep well and rapes Zala. She pushes him down the well and leaves. Shown at the 1998 Cannes Film Festival.


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