
Now that too. As soon as the model Bavarian Toni Freitag has properly integrated his son-in-law Osman, daughter Franzi drags an uninvited boarder from Berlin - in the person of her mother-in-law Farah. Unfortunately, good Toni gets along with the quick-witted businesswoman like cats and dogs. Servus. The fact that Farah has left her stubborn "Pascha" Mesut and her wedding dress shop and wants to stay indefinitely also shakes the ideal world of the reigning shooter king. His wife Anne soon showed a rapidly decreasing willingness to keep his back in the family and in the company as before. His lonely decision to run for the successor of the tired mayor Seidel pissed Anne just as much as Toni's full-bodied election promise to build a new shooting club. The beautiful Bergham needs a children's house much more urgently. To push through this, Anne starts a candidacy for a fight with the support of Farah and Franzi. With this concentrated female power, Toni doesn't just want to rely on athletic means during the election campaign. When his unfair machinations are exposed, however, he has to jump over his shadow to avert a total fiasco.


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