
Berlin 1989, shortly before the fall of the Wall: While the actor Otto is rehearsing for his role as head of state and party leader Erich Honecker, the regime is fighting for survival. The military and police are preparing to use force to crush the Leipzig Monday demonstration in the evening. To protect his pregnant daughter Anne, who wants to get forged papers for her escape from the republic in Leipzig, of all days, Otto comes up with a daring plan: disguised as Honecker, he wants to withdraw the order to shoot. The opportunity is good because the real head of state is out hunting all day. Others also want to use his absence: Crown Prince Krenz and Stasi chief Mielke, who are secretly preparing a change of power in the Central Committee. The putschists are all the more astonished when they suddenly see Honecker in front of them. Otto plays the role of his life - but unfortunately the unexpected appearance of Margot, the secret ruler of the workers 'and peasants' state, thwarted his plans at the last minute. Meanwhile, the Stasi is on the heels of his daughter and her contact August, who is secretly filming for western television. And Anne has someone else on her cheek: her jealous friend Matti. He wants to dissuade her from her escape plans - and above all to pull away from August.


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