
Historiani dhe kameleonët

Historiani dhe kameleonët (1989)

Комедија | Албанија
Режисер: Saimir Kumbaro
Tring Shqip | сабота | 04:51

рејтинг: 8.8/10
Оценка на корисникот: 10/10
(18 гласови)


1930's. The crazy ambition of the monarch to prove that he comes of an ancient noble family brings a foreign historian to Albania. The foreigner will work among the authorities of an unknown prefecture of the kingdom, degenerated and ignorant people, who being involved into comic situations will become ridiculous and will be disdained.

времетраење: 70 мин


Historiani dhe kameleonëtHistoriani dhe kameleonëtHistoriani dhe kameleonët


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