Sulejmani i Madhërishëm është një tenelovele historike turke.

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21 Mix  Prva World  RTV21  Prva  FTV  TV Klan  Studio B  PINK  RTL  B92  

  • Les Misérables (2018)

    Ish-i burgosur Zhan Valzhan pasi lirohet nga burgu krijon një identitet të ri duke u shndërruar në një njeri me potencial për shoqërinë si kryetar bashkie dhe...
  • Private Lives (2017)

    Our story takes place between 1938 and 1953 and captures the fame and misery of an attractive filmmaking environment in two totalitarian regimes, and how the line...
  • Dashuri te verteta (2012)

    Amores Verdaderos (True Love) is a 2012 Mexican telenovela produced by Nicandro Díaz Gonzalez for Televisa. It is based on Amor en Custodia, produced in Colombia,...
  • In all Friendliness (1998)

    This show is focused on a fictional clinic in Leipzig called 'Sachsenklinik' as well as its staff and patients.

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