• Mama i tata se igraju rata (2020)

    Veljko je glumac koji nikako ne može da se snađe u novim vremenima. Čeka svoju veliku umetničku šansu koja nikako ne dolazi. Njegova supruga, Jadranka,...
  • The Office (2001)

    A mockumentary about life in a mid-sized suboffice paper merchants in a bleak British industrial town, where manager David Brent thinks he's the coolest,...
  • How to Win at Everything (2015)

    How to Win at Everything will arm you with the knowledge to be quicker, smarter, more successful and even more admired amongst your fellow men. You’ll soar to the...
  • Mad Men (2007)

    A drama about one of New York's most prestigious ad agencies at the beginning of the 1960s, focusing on one of the firm's most mysterious but extremely talented...

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