Code Lyoko: Big Bug

Code Lyoko (2003)

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EPISODI: 5 - Big Bug


The day starts off when two girls are talking about Ulrich and then Sissi goes and interrupts and tells the girls that Ulrich is hiding his affections for her. Later, Odd, and Ulrich pull a prank on Sissi, giving her a txt message about a ""true love"". While the prank is being set, people in the town are experiencing difficulties due to a strange virus, now 2 trains are going on a collision course and one of the trains has highly toxic chemicals which can kill the town's population.

Yumi cannot contact Ulrich and Odd because they shut off their mobiles. The prank is being set and Sissi opens a shed which happens to be Kiwi (Odd's dog)in there and jump om Sissy. Then Od gets in trouble after bringing Kiwi on the campus. Yumi finds the 2 and try to go to the factory, but Odd is stopped by Jim and is carried over to the principal. Now to help Aelida fix Xana, they will need everyone in the group, where is Odd when you need him?


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