
Proof: Tsunami: Part One

Proof (2015)

Режисер: Steve Shill

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рејтинг: 8.3/10

сезона: 1

епизода: 9 - Tsunami: Part One


Christopher Brennan, a patient of Carolyn's, has long been at the top of the heart transplant list. He still being alive is only because of what Carolyn has been able to provide for him medically. And he has been on the list for such a long time because of the many issues diminishing the suitable donor pool for him. Carolyn is happy to pass along the news that a suitable donor has been found in the form of Adam Glenn, who could not be a better match. However, Adam's grieving wife, Samantha Glenn, may throw a wrench into Carolyn and the Brennan's excitement when she announces that she is not only not yet ready to take her husband off life support, but that she is revoking his organ donation. Even if Samantha does change her mind - Carolyn who gets a little unwitting help in this matter - Christopher's survival also hinges on Carolyn's mental state, she who has been unfocused on her work of late as she has at the most inopportune moments relived her NDE. The answers Carolyn may be searching for may not be provided by traditional science as she hopes but rather in speaking to people like Peter and Patricia. Meanwhile, Zed receives an unexpected visit from Halima, who wants to fight for him. The timing is complicated by Zed trying to repay her father, while he and Janel find that they have feelings for each other. And Ivan asks Carolyn to do something which she may not be prepared to do as a doctor as Ivan's health quickly deteriorates.


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