
King Karl is desperate. His twelve daughters hold secrets from him. Every morning their dancing shoes have holes in their soles. Only Amanda's shoes don't have holes. A lot of princes already tried to unveil their secrets, but didn't succeed and ended at the gallows. Soldier and puppeteer Anton falls in love with Princess Amanda the first time he sees her. He isn't easily scared off and tries to get behind the princesses's secrets. He gets help from a strange old woman.


Grimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoesGrimm´s finest fairy tales: The worn dancing shoes


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