
Volcanic Planet

Volcanic Planet (2014)

Документарец, Авантура | Република Конго, Канада, Вануату, Турција, Италија, Индонезија, Исланд, Гватемала, Коста Рика
Режисер: Peter Rowe
EXP Shkence | 21.4.24 | 02:10

рејтинг: 4.8/10


An exploration of volcanoes around the world. Adventure Filmmaker Peter Rowe climbs and films 19 volcanoes around the world, from Iceland to the Congo, Italy to Indonesia, Guatemala to Vanuatu, interacting with the people who live and work near these extreme forces of nature.

Глас: Peter Rowe
Продуцент: Peter Rowe
времетраење: 80 мин


Volcanic Planet


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