рејтинг: 5.7/10
Оценка на корисникот: 9.1/10
(7 гласови)


The gala night of a beauty contest held in a seaside resort, where "Miss Queen of Hearts" is about to be elected, is ruined by a sudden and windy storm that gets on Ercole Preziosi's nerves, the entertainment manager who has organized and now hosts the show. The audience is restless and Ercole insults them, breaking off and fleeing on his old Mercedes, where his chauffeur Nicola, a twenty-seven year old guy from Sicily, is waiting. In the car, as usual, Nicola tells Ercole some jokes to try and relax him. Ercole is married to Eva, a Russian woman he met twenty years before. They have a seventeen year old daughter, Maruska. He loves them very much, but his work keeps him away from home quite often. Eva and Maruska accuse him of being absent-minded and superficial towards them. Ercole's entertainment agency, "Kings and Queens", has a second rate choice of artists whose shining star is the talented comedian Rudy Sciacca. Ercole has organized a show for the closing night of a business...


A Chinese in a Coma


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