
Latife Malek is a professor of mathematics, an avowed Kemalist and women's rights activist, as well as a wife and mother. Living all of this at the same time is difficult even for a strong woman like her. Her life story and strokes of fate made her hard. This initially emerges in an argument with her eldest daughter Lale, who has just botched the visit of her future parents-in-law.
The story begins in 1962: Latife happily celebrates her passing the entrance examination to study mathematics in Istanbul. She and her husband Burhan are particularly proud that she is one of the first women in this male domain. However, nothing comes of their agreement that after the birth of the three children it is their career turn. After the unexpected death of his father, Burhan has to take over his dental practice in distant Germany. There Latife is expected by her mother-in-law Seyran, who thinks nothing of her academic ambitions. The arrival in Moers on the Lower Rhine is a culture shock: Latife ends up in the ultra-conservative society of the economic miracle and becomes a housewife against her will. She only likes the Leberkäse, a culinary chance discovery. While Latife settles in with little enthusiasm, the daughters become more and more at home over the years. So the girls are happy to be heading back to Germany after a short stopover in Istanbul. Because Burhan is starting a lucrative dentist position in Cologne.
When Latife realizes that the longed-for return will not happen, she takes the chance to finally think about herself: Lale, Nihal and Peyda have grown into independent young women, now Latife can resume her academic career. Studies, doctorate and now professorship - she has a lot to catch up on. Not only her scientific ambition, but also the advances of the smart Professor Martin put her marriage increasingly in danger. But Latife and Burhan have already endured a lot together. When everything seems to be going well, another stroke of fate ensues.




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