
The Big Circus

The Big Circus (1959)

Режисер: Joseph M. Newman

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.2/10


Minor league studio Allied Artists attempted a huge leap upwards with this colourful and gritty circus film, directed superbly in CinemaScope by cult favourite Joseph M Newman. Co-writer/producer Irwin Allen - now famous for The Towering Inferno and The Poseidon Adventure - assembled a fine though slightly second-rung cast, headed by world-weary Victor Mature and featuring such stars as Peter Lorre (as a neurotic clown) and Gilbert Roland (as the tightrope walker). Although clearly hindered by budget, this is a worthy attempt by the studio to break new ground, and rejects the phoney romanticism of The Greatest Show on Earth to good effect. Though it was not the box-office hit it so desperately wanted to be, the movie remains a treat.


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