
Measure For Measure

Measure for Measure (2019)

Трилер, Драма, Mистерија | Австралија
Режисер: Paul Ireland

рејтинг: 5.5/10


A film that goes head first into the lives of inhabitants of a housing commission tower whose paths cross after a shocking event occurs on their front doorstep. Claudio is an aspiring musician with a tough upbringing; while Jaiwara is a university student from an immigrant family. Tragedy and rescue from death brings their first meeting. Duke is an aging crime boss who does things his way; Angelo is his troubled crime prince who aspires to be the boss and go his own way. A story of justice, loyalty, cultural struggles and a beautiful love story underpinning and at the center of the film--a tale of love and hate. Power struggles all played out masterfully on the screen.


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