
The Embezzler

The Embezzler (1954)

Криминал, Драма | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: John Gilling

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рејтинг: 6.4/10


A hardworking but hen pecked husband, he is the chief cashier at a high street bank where he is much respected and completely trusted by the bank and his colleagues. He has been very diligent and reliable throughout his long tenure at the bank however he is living through a rut both at work and at home.... his wife does nothing except shout and hen peck the lowly chief cashier and he is just going along for a 'quiet' life.... After a dizzy spell at the bank, he goes to see his doctor and after tests he finds out that he has only a short time to live. If he takes it easy and relaxes he might live as long as 2 years..... on his way home he starts thinking about how great it would be spending his last few years travelling around the world.... After a eureka moment at the bank, the chief cashier decides to take the money from the safe at the end of the week and leave for the continent to spend his last days happy... while he is robbing the safe his manager comes back unexpectedly and so thinking quickly he dashes away with the money and every intention of going across to Europe, however, whilst on the run he checks in to a small hotel where he meets a group of people with secrets and hidden agendas such as blackmail.... it's while there the chief cashier has a change of heart without realising and decides to try to help some of those also staying at the hotel....


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