

La lista de los deseos (2020)

Драма, Комедија | Шпанија
Режисер: Álvaro Díaz Lorenzo

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.8/10


In spring 2019 in Sevilla (Andalusia, south to Spain), Eva is a vet who feels a strange lump in her breast one day, around the time her best friend Mar, a schoolteacher who recently ended her 5-year relationship with her boyfriend Antonio because he didn't want to have children, moves in with Eva to figure out what's next. Eva asks Mar to touch her lump and they end up going to the hospital, where Eva is diagnosed with breast cancer. When Eva starts her chemotherapy treatment she meets hairstylist Carmen, who's a cancer expert after her third diagnosis in her life. Eccentric, vital, loudmouthed Carmen convinces Eva and Mar to make bucket lists of everything they wanted to do but never did. They decide to rent an RV and make a girls' trip after Eva's treatment finishes but before they know the results, and travel to Morocco to fulfill their respective lists. While Mar looks for an affair with a Dane and makes a dine-and-dash in the restaurant where she meets waiter Toni, Eva tries reconcile with her long-estranged father Ignacio and takes surfing lessons from teacher Manu. To fulfill their bucket lists, Eva, Mar, and Carmen have a series of increasingly crazy, comical, and touching experiences, learning that the really important thing in life is to hope and to have enough time to live it.




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