• Mrkomir l (2021)

    The year is eight hundred and fifty. Early Middle Ages. The principality is ruled by the Croatian prince Mrkomir, extremely greedy, but at the same time naive, so...
  • Danger Force (2020)

    Captain Man has a new crew of superhero sidekicks - Danger Force. Captain Man and Schwoz create a fake school to train the kids to harness their uncontrollable...
  • Komšije (2015)

    A married couple from Belgrade decide to move from the city to the countryside so they can work on both their marriage and their careers as artists. People they...
  • Drzavni Posao (2012)

    The backbone of the "Drzavni Posao (Government Job)" are satirical talks between the three actors, the comments are reminiscent of the "stand-up" form. These are...

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