
Anna und der wilde Wald

Anna und der wilde Wald (2020)

Dokumentar | Gjermani
Regjia: Ben Wolter

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Animal reporter Anna goes in search of the wolf in the Bavarian Forest. For some years now, the shy predators have been sighted there again. But instead of the wolf, Anna meets Woife, a real outdoors man. At his construction trailer, the animal rights activist is currently fostering the stone martens "Seppi" and "Beppi". Without further ado, the two make a pact: Anna helps the Woife to feed up his charges and in return the Woife shows her the forest and its animal inhabitants such as deer, beavers and forest birds. Thus begins for Anna an exciting adventure in the wild forest. In her search for the wolf, Anna gets active support from forester Marco. Together they set up camera traps. With a little luck, the animal detectives succeed in taking great pictures of the shy predators. And in fact, Anna and Marco quickly hit upon a hot lead.

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