Project Impossible is an original series that follows a new generation of epic engineering projects that were considered unthinkable just a few years ago. Each episode of Project Impossible features multiple stories that illustrate man-made projects that are crucial to our future.

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Tring World  History 2  History Channel  

  • Frozen Planet: The Making Of (2012)

    A behind-the-scenes special which follows the Frozen Planet film crews braving the elements.
  • Auto Mobil - Das VOX Automagazin (2008)

  • Europa Nga Lart (2019)

    Europe from Above takes to the air over Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Spain and the UK to showcase Europe's finest cultural and geographical landmarks...
  • World's Most Scenic Railway Journeys (2019)

    Actor Bill Nighy narrates as cameras follow trains travelling though some of the most scenic landscapes in the world. The stories of these iconic railways are...

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