
Fahr mal hin

Fahr mal hin (1987)

Dokumentar | Gjermani

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  • One Strange Rock (2018)

    The extraordinary story of Earth and why it is special and uniquely brimming with life among a largely unknown but harsh cosmic arena; astronauts tell the story...
  • Gara e madhe e natyrës (2016)

    Every year, millions of animals embark on epic journeys on an astonishing scale, crossing hostile landscapes, traveling hundreds of miles, overcoming fearsome...
  • World's Deadliest (2010)

    The Animal Kingdom is rife with epic stories of survival - tales of kill or be killed - a place where each and every moment is fraught with life and death...
  • Një planet i përsosur (2021)

    Planet Earth is perfect. Everything about our world - its size, its distance from the Sun, its spin and tilt, its moon - is perfectly suited to our existence, and...

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