EPISODI: 3 - The Harsh Light of Day


Willow is bitten by bimbo friend Harmony Kendall, who turned vampire at the end of season 3. Oz chases her and she threatens him with her boy-friend, who will beat them up- that's actually Spike, who has a secret new underground lair and troop to dig for a crypt. Now that Kathie is out of the way, Parker Abrams, who switched major from medicine to history, is ready to kiss Buffy, but the vampire alert (a 'bad puppy' is all they tell him) gets priority for a while. Harmony makes Spike bump into Buffy, he says it's too early and she blurts out they're after the Gem of Amara. According to Giles the gem is a legendary vampire grail-equivalent rendering the holder invulnerable. Anya is eager to have sex with Xander and strips for him - his objections last a mere minute. Buffy gets into Parker's bed, but no commitment either. The whole gang is summoned by Giles, who has discovered that the gem may indeed be in a crypt in the 'Valley of the Sun' i.e. Sunnydale; Spike already found it and has dumped the childish Harmony.


Buffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire SlayerBuffy the Vampire Slayer


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