The young and beautiful Iffet lives with her father and younger sister in one of the older and more modest neighborhoods of Istanbul. She is deeply in love with Cemil, a taxi driver at the local taxi station. Iffet dreams about the day when Cemil will propose to her. In fact, Cemil does not want to marry Iffet yet as he has bigger plans. One day he will be rich, so rich that he can leave the middle-class neighborhood and live an exotic life elsewhere. As Iffet continues her clandestine relationship with Cemil, he starts pushing her about sharing her bed before they marry and one unfortunate day, during the wedding of Iffet's best friend Serpil, drunk and out of control; he first comes on strong to Iffet and then rapes her. Cemil begs for her forgiveness with a marriage proposal and Iffet hopes everything will turn around and be okay afterwards, but nothing goes as planned. When Iffet is left with nothing through the hands of the man she loves, her one goal is revenge, but will her temptation for revenge be stronger than her love for Cemil?

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