
Four Weddings and a Funeral

Four Weddings and a Funeral (2019)

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Four American friends – Maya, Craig, Ainsley, and Duffy – reunite for a fabulous London wedding. But after a bombshell at the altar throws their lives into turmoil, they must weather a tumultuous year of romance and heartbreak.
Maya, the young communications director for a New York senatorial campaign, receives a wedding invitation from her college schoolmate now living in London. She leaves her professional and personal life behind, in favor of traveling to England and reconnecting with old friends and ends up in the midst of their personal crises. Relationships are forged and broken, political scandals exposed, London social life lampooned, love affairs ignited and doused, and of course, there are four weddings...and a funeral.


Four Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a FuneralFour Weddings and a Funeral


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