
Natyra Jonë: Empire of the Desert Ants

Natural World (2011)

Regjia: John Brown

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Vlerësimi: 8.5/10


EPISODI: 2 - Empire of the Desert Ants


In the Arizona desert, the complex society of the honey ants is controlled by one queen, but she will face an intense battle for survival as she attempts to build and defend her empire. Eliminating her rivals with ruthless efficiency and sacrificing thousands in her quest for domination, she will do anything to maintain her position. But as surely as the queen rises, so she must fall. But as surely as the queen rises, so she must fall. Narrated by Andy Serkis.


Natyra JonëBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC StudiosBBC Studios


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