
Kumkum Bhagya

Kumkum Bhagya (2015)

Dramë | Indi

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Bulbul and Purabh go for their reception shopping and they are joined by Abhi and Pragya, who spend the entire journey arguing with each other. Upon reaching the mall, Abhi notices Vijay and goes after him. He is shocked to find Vijay speaking to Alia and soon he starts to chase Vijay. He fails to catch Vijay but questions Alia about her meeting with Vijay. Alia manages to make an excuse and avoids the truth. Abhi enters the mall and seeing him injured, Pragya begins to panic. A saleswoman arrives with a first- aid box and attends to Abhi and this makes Pragya jealous. Abhi s Dadi goes Sarla's home to inform her of the reception that has been approved by Pragya. Keep watching 'Kumkum Bhagya' to know more.


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