
How Not to Live Your Life

How Not to Live Your Life (2007)

Komedi | Mbretëria e Bashkuar

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Don Danbury who slobs around, doesn't take his job seriously and making awkward situations has inherited a house from his late grandmother which she left in debt along with her carer, Eddie Singh who just stays there assisting Don (Free of charge). Therefore to repay the debt, Don must live and rent it to one female lodger, who he tries to find ways to fall in love with. Later another female rents out. A lot of awkward situations happen later on!


How Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your LifeHow Not to Live Your Life


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