Jerry Seinfeld stars in this television comedy series as himself, a comedian. The premise of this sitcom is Jerry and his friends going through everyday life,...
16-year-old Ivan grew up in luxury, and his peer Danila comes from a poor family. Suddenly their parents learn that their sons got mixed up at the hospital...
Petočlana porodica Spasić živi u zajednici sa gospođom Nadeždom Nenadić, majkom Jelice Spasić, tj. taštom njenog supruga Nikole Spasića.
Jelica i Nikola imaju...
The comedy "Radio Mileva" follows the everyday life of Mileva, Natalija and Sonja, three generations of the Majstorovic family who live under the same roof.
The backbone of the "Drzavni Posao (Government Job)" are satirical talks between the three actors, the comments are reminiscent of the "stand-up" form. These are...
Four egocentric friends who run a neighborhood Irish pub in Philadelphia try to find their way through the adult world of work and relationships. Unfortunately,...
„Neki bolji ljudi” porodična je serija čije glavne junake predstavljaju članovi porodice Urošević i Graovac. Tri generacije pod jednim krovom, u komšijskim...
Set in England at the end of the War of the Roses, we soon find out that the history we know is a Tudor fiction. In fact, Henry VII did not actually win the...
The plot of the series follows a family that, in part and forcibly, has to live under the same roof. Ana and Boris are a young married couple with whom, due to a...
Spiridon je otvorio kafanicu, blizu agencije koja rešava sve probleme svih klijenata. Pošto je zauzet oko kafane i često nije u agenciji menja ga Roza, ali je...
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