сезона: 1

епизода: 16 - Das Geheimnis unserer Liebe


Atttorney Benedict Bordin returns to his Starnberger See hoe after years to prepare taking over the law practice of his father Martin, a recluse since his best friend Robert's fatal sailing accident, as gloomy as the widow Lilo Wieser. Her daughter Franziska Wieser, now runs business-wise her late father's watchmaker shop, the only in the area, with doting gentleman watchmaker Henry. The rented premises are about to be torn down to build luxury apartments, so she seeks legal help from Benedict, who gets priceless paternal advise while the young pair falls in love. Both loving but listless senior parents are reluctant to celebrate the engagement, Lilo fearing loneliness but convinced to cede by buddy Julia, Martin tormented by a sense of guilt for Robert's death, but another secret weighs no less.


Utta DanellaUtta Danella


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