Million Pound Pawn

Million Pound Pawn (2021)

Документарец | Обединетото Кралство

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рејтинг: 7.4/10

From helicopters to houseboats, designer watches to the family jewels, people across the country are sitting on a veritable gold mine of assets, and in the midst of the current economic crisis many are turning to Britain's pawnbrokers to help transform their prized possessions into cash. This fascinating new series opens the door to this fast moving and often lucrative industry, telling the story of people with incredible assets and the eye-watering stakes at play; for both the owners and pawnbrokers trying to close the deal and make a profit. From the well-heeled entrepreneur looking to shore up their business, to the single Mum hoping to fund medical treatment for her son, we unearth the real-life stories behind those walking through the pawnbroker's door and how much they are hoping to raise by parting with their valuables.

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