Viewers can travel to the far corners of the planet and discover the secrets of Earth's few remaining untouched lands, all flourishing with rich biodiversity.

Беше на каналите:

EXP Natyra  BBC Earth  SLO1  SLO2  ARTE DE  HTV1  

  • Secrets of the Underground (2017)

    Using cutting-edge technologies such as ground penetrating radar (GPR), LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging), and 3-D imaging, scientists research fascinating...
  • Кина од високо (2015)

    Ова чудесна серија истражује величанствену Кину с неба. Природна чуда, голема градитељска постигнуќа и богато друштвено ткање откривају се у задивљујуќим...
  • ARTE Reportage (2004)

  • Off The Grid (2017)

    Escape into the wilderness of the Wild Atlantic Way. Take a journey along the world’s longest coastal route to discover hidden beaches, epic bays and soaring...
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