
Радничка класа иде у рај

La classe operaia va in paradiso (1971)

Драма | Италија
Режисер: Elio Petri

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 7.6/10


Lulù is a real hard worker. For this reason he is loved by the masters and hated by his own colleagues. The unions decide agitations against the masters. Lulù doesn't agree till he cuts, by accident, one of his own fingers. Now, after he understood the worker's conditions, he agrees the unions and participates to the strike. He immediately is fired and, not only is abandoned by his lover, but also by the other workers. But the fights of the unions allow him under a new legislation to be hired again. At this point his mind starts giving collapse signs...


Радничка класа иде у рај


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