
How Funny Can Sex Be?

Sessomatto (1973)

Комедија | Италија
Режисер: Dino Risi

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 6.1/10
Оценка на корисникот: 6.5/10
(2 гласови)


There are nine segments in this softcore. **** Segment 1 (10') - Signora, sono le otto (Madame, it's eight o'clock): Domenico, a male servant does not know how to wake up the landlady, Madame Julitte and takes advantage of the situation to make love with her. **** Segment 2 (5.30') - Due cuori e una baracca (Two Hearts and a Shack): The poor couple suspects of betraying each other and therefore, every time he comes home, they hit each other. Then in a short time they reconcile and make love, excited by the quarrel and the beatings. **** Segment 3 (7.30') - Non è mai troppo tardi (It's never too late): Enrico, a lawyer married to a beautiful young woman, actually has a gerontophilia passion for women who are over seventy and craves one in particular, Esperia. After a tight courtship he manages to conquer her and make love with her; shortly thereafter, however, Esperia notes that he enters her house when she is not there, and suspects that he is actually interested in the young maid, ...


How Funny Can Sex Be?


Прегледано од hymie
понеделник, 9 август 2021 12:36
Sessomatto ("Sex Madness," but released in English as "How Funny Can Sex Be?") is comprised of a series of eight comic sketches, each on average 10-15 minutes long, all having to do with sex, and all featuring two of the giants of Italian cinema in the 1970s, Giancarlo Giannini and Laura Antonelli.

The sex in the movie is pretty tame by 21st century standards, and much of its humour comes from things that would have been shocking in the 1970s but aren't any more, a lot of that humour... (Повеќе)
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