
Rain Down

Rain Down (2010)

Драма | Канада
Режисер: Garwin Sanford

Каде да се погледне
Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 4.6/10
Оценка на корисникот: 6/10


Storm clouds roll in over the arid interior near Cache Creek, British Columbia as Carla Springer, 28, lean, tanned and taciturn, closes up her ranch house to protect it from the coming tempest. But her actions cannot prevent a triple threat of trouble that comes calling. The government gives notice of expropriation, her felonious ex-husband shows up wanting to reconnect and her 6-year-old niece appears looking for a place to hide. As things careen out of control Carla play out a losing hand that will change her life forever.


Rain DownRain DownRain DownRain DownRain DownRain DownRain DownRain DownRain DownRain Down


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