
During an evacuation in the waning days of the Korean War, three American soldiers retrieve an enemy airman and take him prisoner aboard the civilian ship returning them to their lines. When an order comes down from their superiors to kill the prisoner, the sergeant in charge, Briscoe, orders his men, Dennison and Hackett, to carry out the execution. But first one and then the other refuse to follow the order. A tense stand-off ensues between the seemingly heartless sergeant and his conscience-stricken men.


Нема Прегледи
  • Gurët e shtëpisë sime (1983)

  • Акција Стадион (1977)

    Усташки покрет 1941. успоставља Независну Државу Хрватску и одмах започиње с терором према Србима, Јеврејима, Ромима и оним Хрватима који не прихватају нови...
  • The Last Winter (1976)

    The nazi forces arrive in cold winter. In the village remain only he women. They put up resistance until the wounded partisans, sheltered in the village homes,...
  • Vendimi (1985)

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