
Streets of Rio

Show de Bola (2007)

Драма, Криминал, Cпорт, Трилер, Mистерија | Германија, Бразил
Режисер: Alexander Pickl

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Емисијата не е достапна во државата
рејтинг: 5.2/10


Rio de Janeiro. Confronted with the violence that exists in the favela where he lives, Tiago sees the only way out to become a soccer player and, in this way, help his family to have a better life. Although he is the best player in his neighborhood and the chances of being discovered by a scout are good, he faces a number of problems. One of them is Tubarão, the leader of the most powerful gang in the favela, who wants Tiago to work for him as a drug dealer. To complicate matters even more, Tiago falls in love with Juliana, Tubarão's sister.


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