
The Wizard of Oz 2

Journey Back to Oz (1972)

Режисер: Hal Sutherland

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рејтинг: 5.7/10


During another twister, Dorothy is hit on the head by a gate and once again whisked away to the Land of Oz. But this time, on her way to the Emerald City, she discovers the witch Mombi's terrible plot to conquer Oz with an army of monster green elephants that's she's brewing up. She escapes with the help of Mombi's slave Pumpkinhead, and they try to warn King Scarecrow and her other friends that Mombi is coming, but she finds that they haven't quite changed as much as she thought. So it's up to her, Pumpkinhead, and the living carousel horse Woodenhead to find a way to stop Mombi's green elephants.


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